All Boats Improv announces open “improviews” for female-identifying improvisers of all ages. 

Our new improv crew, Rising Tide, welcomes intermediate and advanced improvisational performers to play with us. If you are interested in intensive weekly practice and learning new improv skills, come and see if the cut of your jib fits our rigging. 

Contact yvette (dot) keller (at) Gmail (dot) com to pick a date to meet the crew and do some improv. Thursday evening improviews are from 6:45 - 8 PM, starting August 4th. Team members will continue to rehearse until 9 PM.

We’re outfitting a ship that lies somewhere between The Black Pearl and The Good Ship Lollipop: a supportive, held space with open communication. We have plenty of room for wholesome talent, rapscallions, and scallywags. We will swab the short-form decks and hoist long-form sails together. Pirates and scurvy knaves need not apply.

We are mustering a crew of 8-10 improvisers so that absence doesn’t inhibit rehearsal or performance. Yvette Keller anchors the crew, with co-captains Cora Danielson, Monica Phillips, Kim Herriman, Samantha Stevenson, and Cie Gumuncio. Once the muster list is at capacity, we have marshaled outside coaches to provide feedback.